Rousseau Gender Reveal

As I mentioned here, my two very best friends are both pregnant at the same time!  How cool is that?  Melissa wanted to do a gender reveal shoot, and I jumped at the chance to get some more shots of kids that didn’t share my DNA.  🙂

I had suggested before the shoot that everybody wear the color to correspond with their guess of what the baby’s gender was going to be.  Melissa responded that she was going to wear what fit no matter the color!  Ha!  I’ve been there.  But they all did end up wearing something that was either pink or blue to represent their guess.

Melissa and Sam wore something blue while John and Jade wore something pink.  Jade wore pearls too, but sadly John must have left his at home.  😉

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See them peeking out??

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We explained it to the kids before the shoot, but the colored balloons still warranted an explanation.  Immediately after the balloons popped out, John exclaimed “I was right!” Such a goof!

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We had to do some kid shots with the balloons.  This was what I got when I suggested Sam put his arm around Jade.  I guess that is a big brother for you!  🙂

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How sweet are they???

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This one cracks me up.  Jade looks so awkward.  Sam made her put her arm completely around him, and she looks so uncomfortable.  🙂

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Peekaboo, Sam!

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Doesn’t she have the prettiest blue eyes?

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This may be one of my favorite photos I have ever taken.  I LOVE it!  Her expression. Her pearls. Her blue eyes.  I just love it!!

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Such a ham!

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Somebody gave her this flower just before they left her grandma’s house.  She insisted on having it in her photos.  I have to admit, it did make an excellent prop!

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He was cracking up as I was batting the balloons away and snapping photos.  🙂  I just love how you can almost hear his laughter here!

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I think the stamen was practically up her nose.

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Yep!  Pretty much up her nose.  🙂

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She has the best expressions!

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Family photo.

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And she is pretty much done with photos.  It was about time for Jade to take a nap, and she’d had enough.

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I am only including this last one as an outtake.  Nobody is looking, and Jade is pouting.  But. I LOVE Sam’s expression here.  So sweet!

Thanks for letting me tell your story, Rousseau family!  XOXO

3 thoughts on “Rousseau Gender Reveal

  1. […] ← Baby Lucy Rousseau Gender Reveal → […]

  2. Reblogged this on teethmarksonthegluestick and commented:
    Photos from a recent gender reveal/family session.

  3. […] may remember my friend, Melissa, from her family’s gender reveal I did a few months back.  Well, a few weeks ago, they welcomed Baby Jet to their family!  He is […]

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